Friday, 18 February 2011

Changes we have made so far...

After filming for a whole day for a large part of our footage, we realised that making slight changes to our story board was needed. we realised we needed to show a lot more closeups to show Lola's emotions come through on camera, and re shoots were essential, to make sure the story fell into place.

We realised whilst shooting we needed to show a scene of her waking up alone, confused on where Jack is and then her finding the note next to her flowers.
This would therefore make more sense as he would have left the note then left.

Our titles needed slight tweaking, as we wanted them to all reflect Lola's arty style and to be house hold objects to create a 'qwirky' theme. So instead of putting the Producers name on the wall in digital text, we want to spell it out in spaghetti letters across a plain plate, so it fits in well with the rest of the titles.

(Picture used; from another blog to show idea.)

As we planned everything before we started any filming it was obvious we would make some changes to make our titles look right.

We still also need to film our 'High Street' scene, where Jack and Lola are walking along together and embrace in a hug, but Jack looks over Lola's shoulder at an attractive woman passing by. This then showing how he's loosing interest in Lola, at how more sophisticated woman are more his type, rather than quirky Lola.

Thursday, 17 February 2011

Music and Sound

The song we are using throughout our titles is Eliza Doolittle - Pack up, which fits in well with the genre of our film (Romantic comedy). The upbeat lyrics and tune fit well with the titles, showing off the personality of arty Lola, as well as giving it a more comical feel to go alone with her sadness about the break up.
 We play this along with the titles, where Lola picks up Jack's dirty boxers not caring as shes besotted with him. Also where shes tiding the kitchen and unpacking the boxes, seeming really happy before Jack leaves the note saying sorry, next to the flowers he gave her.
We chose this song as it seemed to fit well, and as its well known it will get the viewer interested to watch as its likely they will already be familiar with the song.
This also comes in with use of non-digetic sound, as its being played over the top of the shots of Lola.

Pictured: Album cover for 'Pack Up'

Friday, 4 February 2011

Props and Titles

We decided to show our titles on house hold items as Lola began unpacking in her new home. The items also show off her personality and her arty style we thought up different ways in which we could present the titles, so could fit them all in different ways whilst Lola is unpacking her kitchen. 

The edited version of the Heinz ketchup bottle is one of my favourites for the titles as it looks quite realistic and gives a further edgy look on our title sequence. 

Morgan and Amber decided on the costume for the titles so we painted their names in acrylic paints, also showing off the creative feel. 

My name was typed on a clock face and printed out and cut into the shape of a clock we borrowed from our Media room. I helped with a lot of the sound and effects so this is where i appear in the credits. 

We drew Ed's name with mud and fabric pen in men's white boxers to show his masculine care-free side, getting Lola to pick them up and look at them, not minding he's skid marks are all over them as she 'Loves' him so much. §

This picture of Lola and Jack is placed on the microwave where Lola places the clock in the titles, before she puts it away. This shows how much she likes him, putting pictures of them around her new house. 

The paint palette represents Lola's arty style as is hand painted with acrylic to give of an authentic effect. 

Pictures taken and edited By Emma Leigh Smith and Amber Kew.


Makeup done by Morgan Seaford

On Lola's face we used bright red lips, to show Lola's brave side and how she doesn't care about what the rest of the world think of her, big glittery colourful eyes, with fits in with her arty style.  Jack finds all this too much. 

Character profiles!


I play the part of Lola, who is a quirky, arty girl madly in love with her short term boyfriend Jack. We aim to show her personality through her hippie style clothes and makeup. jack doesn't like the way she dresses, and tells her in the title sequence to get changed, as he's embarrassed to be out in public with her. 
Although she isn't your standard ideal girlfriend, we have created her character so she's loveable to the audience, and so she would make you laugh and cry all at the same time.  


Jack is your standard laid back office man, not caring much for his relationship with the loveble Lola who thinks their so in love. He doesn't show much affection to her and we wanted this to be obvious on screen. We dressed him in smart / cool clothes to make him seem more desirable. 


This picture of them both symbolises their relationship well as it shows how loved up Lola is and how Jack hardly cares (him staring off into space). This picture of them both also shows the intimicy Lola feels for him (her hand on his chest) and how Jack doesn't really care for her (his hand in his pocket).

Pictures taken by Morgan Seaford and edited by Emma Leigh Smith