Friday, 10 December 2010

Genre Title Analysis
The title sequence for the film 'Enchanted' is animated, but resembles a fairytale book, showing the film is based on a fairytale or takes the form of one. Its a fictional film which is aimed at all ages and genders but could attract more females as it is pretty and typically fairytale ''. it could also been seen by a younger audience as fairytales are very popular among children but adults may also be interested as its not completely in an animated form.
Juno is also animated although the actual film is not animated. The genre is indie comedy and this is evident in the title sequence as its quite simple to produce but very clever at the same time. It shows that the young teenager is drinking a large amount of 'sunny d' but it leaves the viewer wondering why, which is good because it leaves an exciting miniature cliff hanger before the films even started. But before the title sequence appears it shows the main character Juno stood in front of a chair, saying how it started 'with a chair' and you come to see later in the film how this is symbolic.
Sweeney Todd uses a creepy title sequence to show the thriller genre of the film. It's also animated like the above title sequences, but uses more relevent imagery to set the scene. 

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